Don’t worry America… narcissism can be a good thing

Friday, November 18, 2016

Narcissists are self-loving, self-admiring, self-obsessed.
But they’re also confident, outgoing and daring.

Narcissism can be a good thing IF they’re also smart enough to know when to listen.

Trump is a ringmaster
Donald Trump shows narcissistic attributes, without question, but he hasn’t become as successful as he is by being foolish. So, is he smart? I don’t know… but it’s probably safe to say that he has, to date, surrounded himself with some smart people.

The result of the American election wasn’t unexpected I don’t think; we’d already seen it happen in the UK after all. A section of the population, tired of being ignored, had to be heard - so they moved from politely whispering their views, to insistently shouting their views. They did this by voting en masse, and with group frustration. And the US has done the same now.

Both the UK and US were promised that they’d be heard, they were promised inclusion, respect and action. They were promised decisiveness. Whether or not they get it is another thing, but sometimes a promise of something better is all we need. When people are desperate for change, straight talking becomes more important and political correctness becomes less important.
The message to politicians across the democratic world is… don’t ignore, don’t assume, don’t lie. 

Narcissism gives us strength against adverse situations.
Narcissism gets things done.
Narcissism can be dynamic, confident, outgoing and daring.
Narcissism can make a great leader.


… they’re also smart enough to know when to listen.
Time will tell.

One man can’t run a country.
The American people still have to be heard; including the ones who didn’t vote for Trump.

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